Always the Photographer, NOW THE BRIDE!

Hey I’m Emma: Suffolk Wedding Photographer, Dog Mum, Seaside lover and I finally get to say it, BRIDE. I also finally get to create the Blog post that I’ve probably had written in my head for the past 3 years; whilst ‘patiently’ waiting for a ring.

Last August my amazing other half Jack proposed to me in a way that I could never have written in my wildest dreams. I was never one to expect a crazy proposal, in fact the thought of being proposed to in front of a crowd of people, had never crossed my mind. I pictured somewhere abroad, quiet and on a beach during sunset… Well, I got the sunset part right. But in general, boy was I wrong. Now get comfy and let me tell you all about about my 30th birthday party; An evening event at Jack’s Football Club, filled with my closest family and friends, which turned into a very different type of party.

I did the usual things that you’d want to do on the day when you’re entering a new decade: get your hair done, your make-up done and spend far too many hours getting ready. Not to mention take the dog for the biggest walk EVER, in hope they’ll sleep whilst you’re out. I felt extremely nervous leading up to the party as everyone had gone rather ‘quiet’ and I had the usual thoughts going through my head that you have when you host a party; ‘what if no one shows’, but I was surprised that when I arrived on time, half the guests were already there. - Seriously, who turns up on time to a birthday party?! Certainly not us usually. We always have the best intentions, but let’s be real, it never happens does it?

Everything was normal for the first half an hour, I was wowed at the incredible decor that my best friends had put together for me indoors: pin the camera on the Photographer, giant handmade 30 letters with lights, floating photos and the DJ that Jack had hired, so all was well and my nerves started to calm. Well, that was all rather premature and naive! The next thing I knew, the room had cleared, everyone was outside, it was just after 8pm and oddly, nearly every guest had arrived already (very prompt and polite of them all I might add!). It was just Jack and I left inside with the Club’s Chairman, I made polite conversation but my inner thoughts were ‘why is everyone outside and missing out on all the effort made?’; something was going on and I knew it, Jack was sweating and answering his phone every 30 seconds. All extremely sketchy.


Jack: ‘Right, let’s have a whole group photo outside with our backs to the pitch’; which is sort of a normal thing to do I thought and I went with it because let’s face it, I’m a Photographer and I LOVE PHOTOS.


Longest 2 minutes of my life and the photo is still being taken! By this point I’m pretty sure I had the shakes and all I knew is that no one wanted me to turn around.


I was just delighted to see Jack and our Cockapoo Albie as I turned around, too excited about the fact that the dog was there to notice what was going on (also slightly deflated after my amazing efforts to calm him before I came out), I was so distracted that I hadn’t noticed that Jack was on one knee, that my Nan was there AND…

The giant array of balloons proposing to me on the football field!

I could never have imagined it; it was beautiful, at sunset and unbelievably personal with all of Jack’s friends and family holding the balloons for us! (Whilst Albie desperately tried to get out of his struggle cuddle to get to the balloons)

Need I say more; I gave a big ‘YES’ and was entirely overwhelmed with gratitude and love for the rest of the night. I still feel like the luckiest girl alive and I’m beyond happy with my happily ever after, as I know I got it long before I was engaged anyway.

What came next?

Well, Jack thought he might get a few years off after this award winning proposal, however I think he forgot who he was proposing to; a Wedding Photographer who already had the entire Wedding planned in her head (Well about 50 variations).

Needless to say it was just 2 months later and our Destination Wedding Venue in Italy, Tuscany, had been visited, booked and well underway to being planned! Roll on 31.08.23; where the Wedding Photographer becomes the Bride.

Now my proposal story has come to an end, don’t forget to check out my Wedding Planning Blog section where I have more advice if you’re planning your Wedding, along with sharing my own Wedding Planning journey and what I’m learning along the way!

Emma x


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